Acupuncture for No Fault / Personal Injury Protection Cases in Point Pleasant, NJ


“Let my no fault / personal injury protection insurance experts take care of the details, while you and I focus on your recovery.”  Rob Vena, Licensed Acupuncturist, Point Pleasant, NJ

Being involved and injured in an automobile accident can be an extremely stressful situation, and working with insurance companies can be very confusing and aggravating. If you are covered by no fault or personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, your insurance company will most likely pay for a variety of different medical treatments to help with your recovery; including acupuncture treatments. Such coverage is provided regardless of who was at fault in the accident.

What Is No Fault Insurance?

No fault insurance is a special type of coverage that is seen more and more frequently today as a type of auto insurance coverage. Simply put, with no fault insurance, it does not matter who was “at fault” in the accident. No fault auto insurance covers the cost of consultations as well as treatments and cuts out the need to go through the other party’s insurance provider in order to be compensated or reimbursed for medical expenses. No fault insurance saves everyone time because coverage usually kicks in before fault is even determined in most cases. It also saves you money and allows you to get the treatment you need right away.

In some cases, and when necessary, no fault insurance will cover acupuncture treatments for up to five times a week. Not only does no fault insurance save time and allow you to get the help you need, but no fault acupuncture treatments can decrease your recovery time by speeding up the healing process. Acupuncture is proven to be effective in reducing pain and stress, and this can ultimately help ease your suffering throughout the healing process.

A no fault acupuncturist can provide a wide variety of different acupuncture techniques for an array of different conditions ranging from minor to severe. He/she will determine the ideal course of treatment required for each individual case.

Acupuncture can help treat various types of accident-related injuries. It can help relieve pain and swelling while promoting healing and dramatically reduce stress levels. Bruises, broken bones, head trauma, whiplash, back and spine injuries, and muscle damage are just a few of the many conditions that can be helped with acupuncture.

When To See An Acupuncturist

If you are covered by no fault insurance, you may be eligible to reap the benefits of acupuncture treatment with no out-of-pocket expense. Low back pain, neck pain, postoperative pain, and post-traumatic stress disorder can all benefit from regular acupuncture treatments. If you are experiencing mild to severe pain from an auto accident or surgery following an accident, several visits a week can be a viable alternative to using potentially harmful and addictive pain medications to manage your pain. One added bonus, is that acupuncture has none of the potentially harmful side-effects of medications.

Sometimes it can take a few days following an accident for soreness to arise. Even if it’s just a minor fender-bender, you can still end up with low back, shoulder or neck pain due to your spine being impacted. Along with physical injuries, accidents also result in increased levels of stress. There are so many aspects of an accident that you may have to deal with in the aftermath. Severe accidents can even result in the development of PTSD, which in its most severe form, can be debilitating. No fault Acupuncture treatments can be effective for all of these conditions.

  • Blood flow: Any type of injury from a bruise to a slipped disc in your back can benefit from improved blood flow. Everything your body needs for recovery and healing is found in the blood, so boosting blood flow to the area of injury increases the presence of a plethora of healthy substances. Oxygen in the blood promotes healing and there are also pain-relievers, anti-inflammatory substances, and even substances that prevent infection in your blood.
  • Natural pain relief: Pain after an accident comes in all shapes and sizes. Your body’s natural pain-relievers work faster and provide longer-lasting relief than over-the-counter medications and even some prescription pain-killers. These natural pain-relievers are promoted using acupuncture and acupuncture has no side-effects. It can help with pain ranging from minor to severe, whether it is associated with an injury or surgical procedure.
  • Relaxation and stress-reduction: One of the greatest benefits of no fault acupuncture treatments is significant stress-relief. Stress comes along with any accident, regardless of the severity, and stress can impact your day-to-day life and negatively affect your well-being in surprising ways. Acupuncture stimulates the endocrine system, which generates a feeling of calmness. It also prompts the production of serotonin, which will lift your spirits. You will most likely leave your no fault acupuncturist’s office feeling pain-free and relaxed.

A no fault acupuncturist is skilled and committed to providing quality treatments for all of his/her patients. Whether you were in a minor accident, leaving you with bumps and bruises, or if you were in a major accident involving surgery – acupuncture can help. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need only one visit per week or you may need several to experience the greatest results. An acupuncturist can help get you back on your feet and feeling your best in no time.

Acupuncture in Ocean County, NJ

Patients seen by appointment only.

Mindfulness for Life Balance / Acupuncture at the Jersey Shore


Mindfulness photo by Rob Vena

Mindfulness: A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

Being mindful may very well be the best way to find balance in your life. When you are mindful, you live in the present moment and can enjoy life as it unfolds before you.

Although mindfulness is often associated with meditation, there are other ways for you to be mindful in everyday life:

Just Stop: Take time every now to stop and smell the roses. Stop whatever you are doing, look around, and simply enjoy the moment.

Be Childlike in Nature: The world is filled with wonders. But, for some reason, we fail to recognize those wonders as we grow older and busier with  our daily lives. Try to experience life through the eyes of a child. What did you love to do when you were a child? What was your favorite pastime? What did you want to be when you grew up? How close have you come to being who you really want to be? Make time to do those things you love and bask in the magic of the moment!

Be Mindful of What You Say: Our words can have magical powers. But, they can have the power of ‘white magic’ or ‘black magic’. They can be healing or harmful. You should think before you speak. Be mindful of your words, and remember; Once you’ve said it, you can’t take it back!

Mindful Meals: The next time you sit down for a meal, think about every bite and try to thoroughly enjoy it. Turn off the TV, put down the cellphone, and just try to be present in the moment and enjoy the meal and company you are with.

Mindful Breathing: Stop for a moment and pay attention to your breathing. Are you breathing properly? Is your breathing too shallow, too fast, too slow? Are you taking in enough oxygen? Or, are you so stressed-out that your chest and lungs are constricted and tight? Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with fresh air, and when you exhale, imagine you are cleansing yourself of all the toxins and impurities that have built-up in your system over over a lifetime. Try this exercise when you get into bed at night; Lie on your back, place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. As you inhale and exhale, the hand on your belly should rise and fall, not the hand on your chest. This is proper breathing.

Pay Attention to the Most Boring & Ordinary Tasks: We get so caught up in our daily routines. We tend to operate on autopilot when performing everyday tasks such as brushing our teeth, doing the dishes, driving, standing in line, or taking a shower. Try to be mindful of the world around you while performing these activities and don’t be locked into your own thoughts or daydreams all the time.

Break Routines: It can be difficult to be mindful when you do the same things day after day. Try breaking your routines every now and then. Try something new. Take a different route to work or stop off in a different coffee shop tomorrow. Say good morning to that person you pass on the street every day. Remember, change is good. To change is to evolve. To remain the same is to stagnate. There is always something new and exciting to see and be mindful of when you make changes in your life.

Mindful Meditation: Try to find 20 minutes for mindful meditation each day. Find one spot and make it your daily meditation space. Make it your sacred spot… your shrine. Sit or lie down comfortably and start by following your breath. Just focus on your breathing… on the way it feels as it enters your nose and lungs, and then back out again. Each time your mind wanders (and it will wander!), reel it back in by returning to the breath. Remember, meditation is a practice. And, it is not easy for anyone. Just keep trying, and you will soon reap the benefits of mindfulness.

Acupuncture in Ocean County, NJ

Patients seen by appointment only.

Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture in New Jersey?

Does My Insurance Cover Acupuncture?

One of the most frequently asked questions I get from friends, family, and prospective patients alike is, “Does insurance cover acupuncture treatments in New Jersey?”

The good news is, that many insurance companies do in fact cover acupuncture services these days. And now, more acupuncturists than ever are accepting insurance as payment. So if you have insurance, you just might be covered for acupuncture benefits.

Here at Rob Vena Acupuncture in Pt Pleasant, NJ we accept insurance provided acupuncture is covered by your plan.

It is important to note however, that although your insurance company may offer full- or partial-coverage for acupuncture services, it does not necessarily mean that they will pay for your treatments. You should fully understand your insurance coverage before visiting your acupuncturist.

Patients seen by appointment only.

Acupuncture in Pt Pleasant, NJ

Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine as Tax Deductions by Jersey Shore Acupuncturist Rob Vena

Did you know that acupuncture is tax deductible when taken as a medical expense on Schedule A (Form 1040)?

That’s right! According to IRS Publication 502 (2013) Medical and Dental Expenses, acupuncture is includible as a medical expense and you can deduct the amount of your family’s total medical and dental expenses for the year that is more than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.

The cost of your acupuncture sessions and all prescribed herbal medicines and supplements are tax deductible.

You can also include in your medical expenses all amounts paid for transportation primarily for, and essential to, medical care. So, transportation to your acupuncture clinic can also be included as an expense. This includes bus, train, and taxi fees as well as the transportation expenses of a parent who must go with a child who needs medical care. You can also include out-of-pocket expenses, such as the cost of gas and oil, when you use a car for medical reasons.

So, be sure to keep track of your treatments, and save your all of your related receipts for tax season.

Acupuncture in Ocean County, NJ

Acupuncture and Weight Loss in Ocean County, NJ

One of the most common questions I get when people learn that I’m an acupuncturist is, “Can acupuncture help me lose weight?”

In short, the answer is yes, it can help.

Acupuncture can help curb the appetite… it can help reduce cravings… and it can stimulate the body’s metabolism to help with weight loss.

But what should be stated up front is that acupuncture is not a ‘silver bullet’ solution for weight control, and it should be used in conjunction with a weight loss or weight management program that is suited to your individual needs.

Most licensed acupuncturists should be able to help not only through use of the acupuncture needle, but also by providing you with informed counseling and guidance on diet and nutrition. He/she should also be able to advise on exercise and relaxation techniques designed to help you get through the physical and emotional trials of the weight loss process.

Weight loss is never easy, and successful long term weight loss is incredibly difficult for most people to achieve. Acupuncture is a perfectly natural way to boost your weight loss efforts, and there are no harmful side effects or chance of addiction, as may be encountered with certain medications.

Jersey Shore Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation in Pt Pleasant, NJ

Kick the Habit!

Did you know that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to catch colds… and that their symptoms may even be worse? Just being around secondhand smoke increases your chances of catching a cold.

Do you, or someone you know need help kicking the habit?

Acupuncture can help with permanent smoking cessation by lessening the cravings and reducing withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, there are no side effects and it enhances your overall health.

Acupuncture in Pt Pleasant, NJ

Catch that Cold before it Catches You / Jersey Shore Acupuncture in Pt Pleasant, NJ

Prevention has always played an important role in the practice of Chinese medicine, which can not only help prevent colds and flu, but can also help treat these illnesses once symptoms appear.

The key to effective treatment is early intervention, and patients can greatly benefit from treatment prior to the arrival of cold and flu season.

In Chinese Medicine, autumn has always been considered a very good time of year to improve health, balance and strengthen the body, and boost the immune system before the colder months of winter settle in.

So, why not set up an appointment to see your acupuncturist now… before cold and flu season arrives?

Remember… The sooner treatment is received for flu-like symptoms, the faster and more effective that treatment can be… But, prevention is always better!

Acupuncture in Pt Pleasant, NJ

Cupping Therapy Explained by Jersey Shore Acupuncturist Rob Vena

Cupping Therapy is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure by a vacuum.

The Chinese have been using this technique since ancient times by using heat inside glass or bamboo cups.

The suction from the cups can penetrate deep into your tissues causing the tissues to release harmful toxins. It triggers the lymphatic system, clears the blood vessels, and stretches and activates the skin.

Cupping therapy has been found in ancient records dating back 3500 years and is still used today.

In this office, cupping therapy involves the application of glass cups and heat to create a vacuum effect on specific areas of the body in order to promote circulation, relieve pain, and revitalize tissues. The appearance of a “reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash’ (aka petechiae) results.

It is important to note, that this modality does not involve burning of the skin.

Patients seen by appointment only.

Acupuncturist in Ocean County, NJ